Can Food In Your Food Lead To A Lawsuit?

While most reputable restaurants work diligently to create a clean and safe dining and working experience for both customers and employees, injures can happen. Injuries in a restaurant can occur in a number of ways, from slip and fall accidents to food poisoning. Another problematic issue is when customers find foreign objects in the food, which can also be a source of injury. Some injuries can be so bad that you need medical attention. [Read More]

Be Prepared: 4 Steps To Take If Your Child Is A Passenger In A Car Accident This Summer

Now that summer is here, your kids may be heading off on adventures with their friends. Some of those adventures may include road trips. Unfortunately, the risk of car accidents increases during the summer months due to the increased congestion on the nations highways. If your child is involved in a car accident this summer while riding with friends, you'll need to take immediate steps to make sure that they receive the care they need. [Read More]

Top Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer For A Slip And Fall Case

Nobody walks into a store expecting to slip, fall, and be severely injured. Unfortunately, slip and fall accidents are not uncommon, and they can cause a person lasting issues. When a fall inside of a retail store is due to something like liquid on the floor or damaged flooring that was not marked or promptly repaired, the store can be held liable. If you have slipped and fallen inside a store, it is important to file an incident report with the manager on duty so the accident is documented. [Read More]

When It's Time To Talk To A Personal Injury Lawyer About Your Injuries

If you are hurt in an accident, the last thing you may be thinking about is going to talk to a lawyer. When you have sustained serious injuries, your first job is to get all the medical care you need in order to heal. If you are medically stable and you are still not recovering as expected, it's time to look further into your situation to see if you have a personal injury case. [Read More]